Friday, September 19, 2014

Down the Bay

17 September 2014

We had a beautiful sail down the bay today. We sailed until 1400 then motored after the wind died. Until then we were on a broad reach sailing at 5 - 6 knots with another boat close by, it was a race… It was a cutter rigged, double ender that had a young couple on it who seemed to run from cockpit to bow frequently adjusting sail. 

We are in the Great Wicomico River tonight anchored in Cockrell Creek near the Menhaden processing plant, thankfully up wind. The fish are harvested from the bay and processed into fertilizer and Omega-3 fish oil thought to reduce cholesterol and other diseases. They use spotter planes to find the schools of menhaden and direct the net trawlers. (We were down wind in the morning and left early).

Robin had made spinach and artichoke with bread crumb and parmesan topping for dinner last night and cooked it with an egg in the center for brunch as we sailed today. It was exquisite. Tomorrow we hope for a relatively short sail to Fishing Bay near Deltaville. Water, fuel and a few provisions to hold us over till we get to Norfolk. Weather is good, warmer than Baltimore, in the low 80’s today.

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