Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Stuart, FL

4 November 2014

I hope everyone exercised their right to vote today, Maryland needs voter opinion to set a course.

We have been in Stuart the last few days. It is the Sailfish Capital of the world and you can tell by the beautiful Sportfish boats everywhere.

We spent the last 2 days provisioning for the trip to the 
Bahamas. A young receptionist at the marina lent us her Cherokee and we filled it up. We filled propane tanks, bought can goods, (fixin’s for Thanksgiving), paper products, alcohol, beer, fuel cans, toiletries, we had two grocery carts in a mega Walmart over loaded. It’s amazing but we found storage for 10 cases of beer, 10 boxes of wine, 2 huge packs of paper towels, 10 packs of toilet paper and gallons of liquor. The boat is a little lower but we also found space for another case of beer.

We changed the oil in the engine, vacuumed, did all laundry, scrubed carpets and cleaned the boat.

Tomorrow we will go to West Palm Beach, Skip needs to visit the VA Hospital for a flu shot and to register. Then Lauderdale, and Miami. 

Dinner this evening with Bev and John Stehman. They drove us around, showed us the sites and dinner at the famous Dolphin Bar and Shrimp House, home of Frances Langford, star of many films including the Glenn Miller Story and many USO tours during WWII. She was also noted for her signature song “I’m in the Mood for Love”. A pleasant evening. 

A 65' Donzi

Bath Tub Beach

John and Skip

Bev and John Stehman

Robin and Skip

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