5 April 2016
Georgetown, Exumas, Bahamas
Not a lot to report, same old, same old, walks on the beach, warm sunshine, clear water, alcohol, good food and camaraderie. Pretty easy to take I’d say.
We have been checking out resorts for a late winter, early spring vacation spot for next year. We think somewhere on Stocking Island would be nice, access to the ocean, Chat & Chill, St. Francis. We would probably rent a small boat for the week so we could go to town for groceries, liquor store, Rake & Scrape music, etc. If anyone is interested we can talk about it when we return.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays at the St. Francis resort is Texas Holdem, $5 buy-in and all proceeds paid to the top three finishers. This is very popular among cruisers the tables accommodate 40 players and often people are turned away to become spectators.
A few days ago the Cruiser’s Net announced a music Jam session on the beach, it was well attended. It is unbelievable how many really talented cruisers there are. The music started at 2:00 and ended around 6:30. Jazz, Blues, vocalists, saxes, guitars and a plastic bucket drum, everyone was good and some excellent. There is a family on boat “Paisley” with three small children, the kids and dad play ukuleles and sing. Two guys on saxes were excellent, a blues guitar and singer, a couple from Sweden who shared Swedish songs, a harmonica player, and others.
There are probably more Canadian Crusiers than US. It is no wonder many Canadian Cruisers are considered frugal. The Bahamian dollar is based on the US dollar. Currently the exchange rate of the Canadian dollar to the US dollar is about 1.31 Canadian to 1 US. I’m told the average income is the same as in the US. So everything in the US and here costs them 31% more. Between the cost of shipping goods here and the duties and VAT tax many things are pretty expensive add to that another 31%. A pizza that cost me $20, costs them $26. BTW things that are bulky or heavy can be ridiculous, Bounty paper towels are $8.50 for 2 rolls, bottled water is $20 for 24 bottles, $4 at Walmart in the US. Thank goodness Bahamian Rum is $7 a quart.
We are still looking for some sailing weather to visit some more of the out islands. Many do not have protection from westerlies and we’re looking for some settled weather out of the East for a few days.
Not looking forward to leaving the Bahamas the end of the month but looking forward to seeing old friends.
Note the slide and the 4 jetski's |
Just another pretty lagoon |
Just another cocktail |
Lunch with friends |
Robin left me in their care |
New bar seats for our Chandlery? |
Ocean front cottages at St. Francis Resort |
Jammin' on the beach |
Jimmy Buffet and the blues |
Swedish cruisers |
The crew of "Paisley" |
"Choppy" taking beer to the beach for a party
There's a party on the Beach? |
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